The whole word is surrently struggling with the COVID-19 virus epidemic.
This is a coronavirus disease from Wuhan. Patient with confirmed infection with
coronavirus 2019-nCoV had symptoms of respiratory infection such as: fever, cough, dyspnea, muscle pain, headache, sore throat. The symptoms usually appeared from 2. to 14. day after infection.
Today (18.03.2020) is 204,670 infected people world wide are officially known, 8,270 deaths and 82,868 people have recovered. The table below shows the situation in our countries.
Manu people are dying as a result of the epidemic, as well as the ecomony. Schools, kindergartens, restaurants, shopping centres, museums are closed. Every citizen should sit at home and, as far as possible, avoid going outside this area. The safety of ourselves and our environment must be taken care of.
The tourism sector is currently suffering huge losses. However, we want to show you how, durling this difficult time, you can travel and explore the world without moving from home. And once the situation has stabilized, we invite you to visit our cities.
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