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Regional dishes of Poznań

The current situation is very unfavourable for the debelopment of tourism. However, we can bring the character of culinary tourism into your home. In order to get closer to the tastes of Poznań, we propose to prepare several dishes characteristic of our city.

The first course is "Gzik and Pyry", i.e. potatoes with cottage cheese sauce. It is a perfect dish for vegetarians. The ingredients we need are potatoes, white cheese, sour cream, onions, pepper and salt. Ir won't take us long to prepare. Boil the potatoes and mix the cheese, cream, onion, pepper and salt together. Once the potatoes are boiled, you can pour the resulting sauce over them. This dish is ready!


Another dish is "Blind fish", i.e. potato soup. For preparation we need: potatoes, carrots, parsley, celery, leek, bay leaves, allspice, salt, sweet cream 18% and water. Peel all vegetables, put them in water and boil. When the vegetables become soft, take out the leek, bay leaves and allspice, and chop the remaining vegetables with a potato pestle. After pouring the cream, the soup is ready!


The last one we probably like the most is "Szagówki". For preparation we need potatoes, wheat and potato flour and 2 eggs. Wash the potatoes and boil them. Once they are cooked, they should be passed throught meat grinder. All we have to do is add the remaining ingredients and mix everything together. The dough is then formed, which must be rolled into rolls and then cut into smaller pieces. The resulting pieces should be thrown into boiling water and allowed to boil. They are served in different forms, but the most popular is the version with breadcrumbs on butter.


We encourage you to develop your culinary skills and familiarize yourself with Poznań's flavors.



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